Man of the Year
Richard Chandler, is a man of God that has a calling on his life to educate students. He is currently the Principal at Wharton High School. He has over 17 years of experience in education. He holds a Masters Degree in Secondary Principalship from East Central University in Ada, Oklahoma and a Bachelors Degree from Hillsboro, Kansas.
Mr. Chandler’s educational philosophy is based on his uncompromising belief that all students can learn, given a positive learning environment, strong and knowledgeable leadership, a committed and focused educational team, an encouraging community, and a supportive family.
Mr. Chandler is an assistant pastor at his church. He has been married to his beautiful wife for 15 years, and through their union they have been blessed with a son and twin daughters.
Woman of the Year
Loretta Revis, is a true Christian woman that has answered the calling to be a servant of God. She is currently employed at the age of 89 soon to be 90 years, by the Church of Christ located at Martin Luther King Blvd in Wharton, TX. She worked at Gulf Coast Hospital in Wharton, TX for 29 years.
Mrs. Revis philosophy on life and work is based on her uncompromising belief that all people should work to create a positive supportive environment and that you should lead by example. She has committed and focused her life on being a matriarch, as well as a humanitarian.
Mrs. Revis is a mother to 3, grandmother to 6, great-grandmother to 5, and great-great-grandmother to 1.
Image Award Winner
Michael Dwain Buford graduated from high school in 1970. He attended Texas A&M Maritime Academy's Summer School at Sear Program. He has traveled to the
countries of Ireland, France, Germany, Denmark, England, and Puerto Rico. Budord later transfered to Texas A&M University in August 1970 to become an oceanographer, but changed to education and to become
a teacher. As he became more active in the BSU regularly and went on evangelism trips in surrounding communities graduation in 1974 and 1979, when Michael received his B.A. in 1974 and M.Ed. in 1979 from Texas A&M.
Buford has completed much community throughout his adult life.